Bonomi, C. (2016). Freud, Ferenczi e Emma Eckstein. Sul bordo di una cascata: Trasformazioni del mondo e della psicoanalisi. Psicoanalisi e metodo XV: 93-113.
Bonomi, C. (2015). L’oeil, la masque et le miroir. Réflexions sur le regard désincarné. In E. Campi et G. Chaboudez, Venise et le rêve, Paris: Hermann, pp. 189-196.
Bonomi, C. (2015). The Cut and the Building of Psychoanalysis. Volume 1. Sigmund Freud and Emma Eckstein (Relational Perspectives Book Series), London: Routledge.
Bonomi, C. (2015). The penis on the trail. Re-reading the origins of psychoanalysis with Sándor Ferenczi. In A. Harris & S. Kuchuck, The Legacy of Sándor Ferenczi. From Ghost to Ancestor (Relational Perspectives Book Series), London: Routledge, 2015, pp. 33-51.
Bonomi, C. (2014). Risto Friedin matkassa psykoanalyysin alkulähteillä (A Journey in company of Risto Fried in the cradle of psychoanalysis). Psykoterapia, 33(3): 217-233.
Bonomi, C. (2014). (Review of) Franco Borgogno: The hara-kiri of psychoanalysis. Review of “The Girl Who Committed Hara-Kiri and Other Historical-Clinical Essays” by London: Karnac Books, 2012. American Journal of Psychoanalysis 74: 381-387.
Bonomi, C. (2013). “So it really does exist – the sea-serpent we’ve never believed in!” Ferenczi’s influence on Freud revisited. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 73/4: 370-381.
Bonomi, C. (2012). L’archivio del trauma. Prefazione. In Cesare Romano, Freud e il caso Dora, Roma: Alpes Italia:VII-XIV.
Bonomi, C. (2012). Freud, Ferenczi, and the ‘‘disbelief ’’ on the Acropolis. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 21:239-248.
Bonomi, C. (2010). Ferenczi and ego psychology. (The Ferenczi Issue) Psychoanalytic Perspectives, 7(1):104-130.
Bonomi, C. (2010). Narcissism as mastered visibility: The evil eye and the attack of the disembodied gaze. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 19 (2): 110-119.
Bonomi, C. (2010). Book Review. Colemann Curtis. Desire, Self, Mind, and the psychotherapies. Unifying Psychological science and Psychoanalysis. New York: Jason Aronson, 2008. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 19:246-249.
Bonomi, C. (2009). The relevance of castration and circumcision to the origins of psychoanalysis. 1. The medical context. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2009, 90:551-580.
Bonomi, C. (2008). Interview with Robert Holt, International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 17/4: 249-253
Bonomi, C. (2008). Fear of the Mind. The Annihilating Power of the Gaze. (Special Issue of the Clinical Sandor Ferenczi Conference in Baden Baden.) The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 68:169-176.
Bonomi, C. (2007). Sulla soglia della psicoanalisi: Freud e la follia infantile. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
Bonomi, C. (2007). Lucian e Sigmund Freud, Florilegio. Scritti d'autore 2006. (a cura di Paolo Berruti) Arte e Psicologia, Firenze: Nicomp L.E., 2007, pp. 19-35.
Bonomi, C., Borgogno, F. (2006). The broken symbol: The fear of the mind of the other in the symbolic history of the individual. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 15:169-177.
Lombardi, P. e Bonomi, C. (a cura di) (2006). Osservazioni dalla casa dei folli “I saperi sulla follia. Il corpo e le passioni nel Settecento e nel Granducato di Toscana. Centro Studi Storici di Psicoanalisi e Psichiatria. Firenze: Nicomp.
Bonomi, C. (2006). Review of Haydée Faimberg, The telescoping of Generations: Listening to the Narcissistic Links between Generations, London and New York, Routledge, 2005. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 15:62-64.
Bonomi C. (2006) (a cura di). Sándor Ferenczi e la psicoanalisi contemporanea, Roma: Borla
Bonomi, C. (2006). “Ferenczi e la psicoanalisi contemporanea”, in C. Bonomi (a cura di), Sándor Ferenczi e la psicoanalisi contemporanea, Roma: Borla, 2006, pp. 122 -127.
Bonomi, C. (2006). “Desiderio e paura della mente. Riflessioni ferencziane sulla teoria della mente”, in C. Bonomi (a cura di), Sándor Ferenczi e la psicoanalisi contemporanea, Roma: Borla, 2006, pp. 86-109.
Bonomi, C., Borgogno, F. (2006). “Le symbole brisé. Genèse et la réparation des fractures dans l'histoire symbolique de l'individu: le rôle de la peur de la psyché de l'autre”. In: C. Nachin (sous la direction de), Psychanalyse, histoire, rêve et poésie, Travaux de l'assocation europèenne Nicolas Abraham et Maria, Torok, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2006, pp. 15-35
Bonomi, C., Borgogno, F. (2006). “Il simbolo rotto. La paura della mente dell'altro nella storia simbolica dell'individuo”. (coautore Franco Borgogno). Psicoterapie e Scienze Umane, 40;1: 27-44.
Bonomi, C. (2005). “Ma Freud aveva paura di volare? Recensione di Risto Fried Freud on the Acropolis - a detective story, Therapeia Fundation, 2003”,, 2005.
Bonomi, C. (2005). “Was Freud afraid of flying? Review of Risto Fried Freud on the Acropolis - a detective story, Therapeia Fundation, 2003” Int. Forum Psychoanal.14:49-53.
Bonomi, C. (2005). Institut Max-Kassowitz. In: Alain De Mijolla (Editor In Chief), International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis, Thomson Gale: Detroit, pp. 842-843.
Bonomi, C. (2004). “Il trauma e la funzione simbolica della mente”. In: F. Borgogno (a cura di), Ferenczi oggi, Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, pp. 134-141.
Bonomi, C. (2003). “Trauma et la fonction symbolique de la psyché”. Le Coq-Héron, 2003, 174:50-56.
Bonomi, C. (2003). “Breaking the solid ground of common sense: Undoing 'structure' with Michael Balint”. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 63(3):219-238.
Bonomi, C. (2003). Review of Jurgen Reeder, Reflecting Psychoanalysis. Narrative and Resolve in the psychoanalytic Experience, London: Karnac Books, 2002. International Forum of Psychoanalysis. 12:67-68.
Bonomi, C. (2002). “Baginsky, Adolf ”, in: E. Erwin (editor), The Freud Enciclopedia: Theory, Therapy, and Culture, New York & London: Routledge, pp. 41-43
Bonomi, C. (2002). “Kassowitz Institute”, in: E. Erwin (editor), The Freud Enciclopedia: Theory, Therapy, and Culture, New York & London: Routledge, pp. 301-302.
Bonomi, C. (2002). “Postmodern Hysteria.Review of Mad Man and Medusas. Reclaiming Hysteria and the Effects of Sibling Relations on the Human Condition by Juliet Mitchell”, International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 11:223-228.
Bonomi, C. (2001). “Vuelo hacia la cordura. Una nueva consideración de las afirmaciones de Jones relativas al deterioro mental de Ferenczi”, Libro Anual de Psicanálisis, 15:187-222.
Bonomi, C. (2001). “Fuga para a sanidade. Novo estudo sobre a alegacao de Jones a respeito da deteriracao mental de Ferenczi”, Livro Anual de Psicanálise, 15:183-216.
Bonomi, C. (2001). “International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies”, voce, Dictionnaire de la Psychanalyse, a cura di A. de Mijolla, Paris: Calmann-Lévy.
Bonomi, C. (2001). “Kassowitz”, voce, Dictionnaire de la Psychanalyse, a cura di A. de Mijolla, Paris: Calmann-Lévy.
Bonomi, C. (2001). “The evolution of the practice of the psychoanalytic psychotherapies”, International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 10:217-220.
Bonomi, C. (2001). “Trasformazioni storiche dell'idea di trauma psichico”, In P. Spannocchi e M. Cenerini, Stress, trauma e psicoterapia. Firenze: Ed. Medicea, 2001.
Bonomi, C. (2001). “Psychanalyse et philosophie, retour sur l'œuvre de Nicolas Abraham”, J.C. Rouchy (sous la direction), La Psychanalyse avec Nicolas Abraham et Maria Torok, Ramonville Saint-Agne: Éditions Éres, 2001, pp. 187-192.
Bonomi, C. (2001). “Psicoanalisi e filosofia: Ricordo dell'opera di Nicholas Abraham”, Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, XXXV, 4, 2001, pp. 85-91.
Bonomi, C., Borgogno, F. (2001). “La traumatica storia del trauma”, in: C. Bonomi, F. Borgogno, La Catastrofe e i suoi Simboli. Il contributo di Sándor Ferenczi alla storia del trauma, Torino: UTET Libreria, 2001, pp. 3-27.
Bonomi, C. e Borgogno, F. (a cura di) (2001). La Catastrofe e i suoi Simboli. Il contributo di Sándor Ferenczi alla teoria psicoanalitica del trauma, Torino: UTET Libreria.
Bonomi, C. (2000). “L'allégation de Jones concernant la détérioration mentale de Ferenczi: une réévaluation”, Filigrane, 9 (1):53-61.
Bonomi, C. (2000). “Ferenczi vezetett el Freudhoz” (How Ferenczi became my bridge to Freud), in: Judit Meszaros (ed.), In memoriam Ferenczi Sándor, Budapest: Jószöveg, 2000, pp. 228-244.
Bonomi, C. (1999). “L'allégation de Jones, sur la détérioration mentale de Ferenczi”, Le Coq-Héron, 154: 59-67.
Bonomi, C., Rand, N. (1999). “Psychoanalysis, Language, and Deconstruction in the work of Nicolas Abraham and Maria Torok, Psychoanalysis and History, 1(2): 252-260.
Bonomi, C., Rand, N. (1999). “Avenirs de la Psychanalyse: à propos de l'oevre de Nicolas Abraham et de Maria Torok”, Les Temps Modernes, 54/603: 164-174.
Bonomi, C. (1999).“Ferenczi's “geistiger Verfall”: Jones' Behauptung neu bewertet”, Psyche, 53(5):408-418.
Bonomi, C. (1999). “Il giudizio di Jones sul deterioramento mentale di Ferenczi: un riesame”. In: Franco Borgogno (a cura di), La partecipazione affettiva dell'analista. Il contributo di Sandor Ferenczi alla psicoanalisi contemporanea. Milano: Franco Angeli, 1999, pp. 377-386.
Bonomi, C. (1999). “Ferenczi e la psicoanalisi contemporanea”, Psychiatry on line (, Area Storia e Epistemologia in Psichiatria, 1999.
Bonomi, C. (1999-2000). “Pako terveyteen [Flight into sanity]”, Psykoterapia [Helsinki] 1999/4: 2-25 (part 1), 2000/1: 3-25 (part 2).
Bonomi, C (1998). “Immortalité. L'écriture du livre des rêves et la tradition mystique”. Freud, le rêve et son interprétation. In M. Cifali (ed.) Freud, le rêve et son interprétation. Genève: Georg Editeur. Le bloq-notes de la psychanalyse, 15: 93-118.
Bonomi, C. (1998). “Sigmund Freud: un neurologo tra sapere psichiatrico e sapere pediatrico del XIX secolo.” Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, (1): 51-91.
Bonomi, C. (1998). “Freud and castration: A new look into the origins of psychoanalysis.” The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 26 (1): 29-49.
Bonomi, C. (1998). “Decostruzione, psicoanalisi e linguaggio nell'opera di N. Abraham e M. Torok”. (coautore con Nicholas Rand). Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 32 (4):107-116.
Bonomi, C. (1998). “Jones's allegation of Ferenczi's mental deterioration: a reassessment.” International Forum of Psychoanalysis,7/4: 201-206.
Bonomi, C. (1998). “Ferenczi and Contemporary Psychoanalysis” (editorial), International Forum of Psychoanalysis,7/4: 181-185.
Bonomi, C. (invited editor) (1998). Sándor Ferenczi and the Confusion of Tongues, International Forum of Psychoanalysis (special issue), 7/4
Bonomi, C. (1997). “Sigmund Freud: un neurologue entre savoir pédiatrique et savoir psychiatrique du XIX° siècle. Eléments d'une historie de l'effondrement des 'sentiment naturels'.” In D. Brun (a cura di), Le temps, l'urgence et les périodes de la maladie. Paris: Editions P.A.U., 1997, pp. 249-293.
Bonomi, C. (1997). “Teoria e terapia dei disturbi psichici nel ritardo mentale.” Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria, 1997, 71/4:678-700.
Bonomi, C. (1997). “Mute Correspondence.” In P. Mahony, C. Bonomi, J. Stensson (ed.s), Behind the Scenes: Freud in Correspondence, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press, 1997, pp. 155-201.
Bonomi, C. (1997). “Freud and the discovery of infantile sexuality: A reassesment.” In T. Dufresne (ed.), Freud under Analysis. History, Theory, Practice. Essays in Honor of Paul Roazen. Northvale, N.J., & London: Jason Aronson, 1997, pp. 37-57.
Bonomi, C. (1997). “Le rêve d'Irma: le corps, la parole, la faute”. Cliniques Méditerranéennes - Psychanalyse e Psychopatologie Freudienne, 53-54: 143-168.
Bonomi C., Mahony P., Stensson J. (eds.) (1997), Behind the Scenes: Freud in Correspondence. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.
Bonomi, C. (1996).“Mute Correspondence.” International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 5/3: 165-189.
Bonomi, C. (1996). “Freud und die Kastration”, Internationale Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, Tübingen, 1995.
Bonomi, C. (1996). “Der Traum von Irma: der Körper, das Wort, die Schuld”. Texte. Psychoanalyse,Ästhetik, Kulturkritik, 16/4:7-34.
Bonomi, C. (1996). “Il sogno di Irma: il corpo, la parola, la colpa”, in: M. Conci e F. Marchioro (a cura di), Il sogno dell'interpretazione. Il sogno dell'iniezione a Irma, Lecce: Media 2000 editrice: 1996, pp. 3-21.
Bonomi, C. (1996). “Pourquoi avons-nous ignoré Freud le 'pediatre'? Le rapport entre la formation pediatrique de Freud et les origines de la psychanalyse.”. In: A. Haynal (ed.), La Psychanalyse: 100 Ans déjà. Contributions à l'histoire intellectuelle du XX° siècle. Geneve: Georg editeur, 1996, pp. 87-153.
Bonomi, C. (1996). Editorial. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 5/3: 155-156.
Bonomi, C. (1995). “Freud e il Peccato Originale.” In M. Conci e F. Marchioro (a cura di), Totem e tabù Psicoanalisi e Religione, Media 2000, Lecce, 1995, pp. 45-81.
Bonomi, C. (1994). “Pourquoi avons-nous ignoré Freud le 'pediatre'? Le rapport entre la formation pediatrique de Freud et les origines de la psychanalyse.” Le Coq-héron, 134: 7-41.
Bonomi, C. (1994). “'Sexuality and Death' in Freud's Discovery of Sexual Aetiology.” International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 3:63-87.
Bonomi, C. (1994). “Freud, Jung, Ferenczi et la vision d'un petit penis coupé”. Le Coq-héron, 134: 69-84.
Bonomi, C. (1991). “Entwicklung, Regression und therapeutische Umwelt bei schwerer geistiger Behinderung in Erwachsenalter: Paradigmenwechsel und Erwägungen aus dem Reabilitationszentrum ODA in Diacceto.” Dynamische Psychiatrie, 128/129: 206-220.